Power-Saving Tips for Electric Cars

September 20, 2021

Power-Saving Tips for Electric Cars

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, and it's no secret that they can save you money on gas, but did you know that there are ways to save even more on power? In this blog post, we'll compare different power-saving techniques and provide you with some tips to help you maximise your electric car's range.

Smooth Driving

One of the key ways to save power when driving an electric car is to drive smoothly. Aggressive acceleration and braking can use up a lot of power, so try to accelerate and brake gradually. By doing this, you'll keep your speed steady and minimise the amount of energy used. According to a study by the US Department of Energy, aggressive driving can reduce an electric vehicle's range by up to 40% compared to normal driving.

Regenerative Braking

Regenerative braking is a feature that allows electric cars to recover energy when you brake or coast. It works by converting the car's kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery. By using regenerative braking, you can extend your electric car's range and save power. The amount of energy you recover depends on how you drive and the conditions you're driving in. On average, regenerative braking can increase an electric car's range by 10-20%.

Climate Control

Using climate control can significantly impact your electric car's range, especially heating. According to a study by AAA, using the heating system in an electric car can reduce its range by up to 41%. To save on power, try to minimise the use of climate control or use it more efficiently. For example, set the temperature to a comfortable level instead of blasting the heat or air conditioning.

Tyre Pressure

Maintaining the correct tyre pressure can help you save power when driving your electric car. Underinflated tyres can increase rolling resistance, making your car use more energy to move. The US Department of Energy estimates that improving your car's tyre pressure can increase its range by up to 3.3%.


By following these power-saving tips, you can maximise your electric car's range and save on power. Smooth driving, regenerative braking, efficient use of climate control and maintaining correct tyre pressure can all make a noticeable difference to your electric car's range.


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